We finally brewed our own beer for the very first time! Our first beer will be a porter!
We got a recipe for a Robust Porter 1 from our local homebrew supply store, the Beer and Wine Makers of America, and we modified it a little for a smaller 1 gal batch. Here is the recipe! |
とうとうビールを醸造しました!記念すべき第1弾のビールはポーターです!ビア・アンド・ワイン・メーカーズ・オブ・アメリカでもらったロバスト・ポーター1のレシピを1 gal 醸造用にちょっとアレンジ。 こちらがレシピです! |
(Please refer this glossary page for the brewing terms!) | (ブリューイング用語についてはこちらの用語集ページを参考にしてくださいね!) |
Robust Porter 1 (Malt & DME) | ロバスト・ポーター1(モルト & DME) |
Ingredients (for 1gal)
材料(1 gal分)
Steps 1.Preparation
1.1.Open a beer (not on the ingredient list) and drink it as needed throughout the process!
1.2Clean and sanitize all the equipment using PBW and Star San.
| 手順
2.1.Heat up water (2 gal) in a large pot to 155°F.
2.2.Put a mesh bag with all the grain into the pot, and heat it for 1 hour. Try to maintain the temp at 155°F.
2.3.Remove the pot from the heat.
2.4.Remove the mesh bag with grain from the wort and allow it to drain without squeezing it.
2.5.Add water (~1 gal or until the total volume of water is 2 gal) to the pot and bring it to a boil.
2.6.Add DME slowly to the pot while stirring.
2.7.Wrap hops (for bittering) in a cotton cloth, put into the pot, and bring to a low boil it for 50 mins.
2.8.Wrap hops (for finishing) in another cotton cloth, put it into the pot, and heat it for another 10 mins.
2.9.Remove the pot from the heat and remove the hop bags from the pot.
2.10.Cover the pot with a lid and cool the pot quickly using ice and running water.
2.11.When the wort in the pot drops to 68°F, pour the wort to a fermenter while aerating the wort.
| 2.醸造
2.1.水 (2 gal) を鍋に入れ火にかけ、155°Fに温める。
2.5.水(1 gal程、または鍋の水が2 galになるくらいの量)を鍋に加え、沸騰させる。
2.8.ホップ(フィニッシング 用)を別のコットンバッグに包んだものを鍋に投入し、更に10分煮出す。
3.1.Add yeast to the wort.
3.2.Put Star San water into an airlock, install the airlock into a fermenter lid, and close the lid.
3.3.Leave the fermenter in a dark, chill area for a week.
3.4.Open another beer to celebrate all the hard work and hope the brewed beer will taste good!
| 3.発酵
That’s all! Step 1.1. & 3.4. are the most important steps in the process! We should enjoy brewing beer! | 以上!ステップ1.1. & 3.4. が特に重要です!ホームブリューイングは楽しみながらやらないと! |
I hope our first batch becomes something drinkable, though we probably messed this up since we aren’t sure if we could keep the temperature as the recipe suggested… We’ll see in a few weeks! | 第1弾のビールがとりあえず飲めるものになれば良いのですが、どうもやっちゃった気がする・・・。温度管理がうまくできていなかった気が・・・。まぁ、答えは数週間後に! |
(Next post about brewing our first beer are here! ) |
(醸造日記第1弾の中編はこちら! ) |
Cheers! 🍻✨
George and Yuki
Drink With US! Team
ブログランキングに参加中です!🍺 応援して頂けると励みになります! |
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